1.0 Sabrage 90 10 60 23.02.2020 01:00:00 CET 12.1 3.3 5.9 Sabrage /səˈbrɑːʒ/ is the technique for opening a champagne bottle with a saber, a fitting name for this beer recipe from Von Ebert Brewing. This recipe is dry and effervescent, with minimal bitterness and hop character that’s dominated by grapefruit-heavy Citra and a touch of resinous Chinook. You don’t need a ceremonial occasion to drink this beer

This homebrew recipe is featured in 51 Craft Beer Clone Recipes 2019. Find out what recipe was featured for your state

13.6 17.7 Rezept exportiert aus dem Müggelland Rezeptkalkulator Link zum Originalrezept: https://brauerei.mueggelland.de/rezeptdetails/items/23791.html Pilsner Malz 3.629 4 Reisflocken 0.907 2 Einmaischen 61 60 Rast 1 76 10 Citra 56.7 12 Citra 56.7 12 Citra 56.7 12 Citra 170 12 3 Chinook US 56.7 13 3 LalBrew London ESB 18