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Kalendereintrag Details

Protokoll Berlin
Sonstiger Termin
The festive season is upon us and we've come up with a fun way to introduce it at Protokoll.
We will be hosting Germany's first White Elephant - Craft Beer edition - accompanied by a showcase of some of the great beers from our friends at the Buxton Brewery.

You don't know what White Elephant is, or what a White Elephant Craft-Beer editions entails ?

Here is a quick overview:

Each participant supplies one wrapped Bottle of craft beer (€10 - €20 value) . The gifts are placed in a central location, and participants draw numbers out of a hat to determine in which order they will select the gifts. The first person opens a wrapped gift, and the turn ends. On subsequent turns, each person has the choice to either unwrap a new present or to "steal" another's. When a person's gift is stolen, that person can either choose another wrapped gift to open or can steal from another player. To avoid never ending circles, each gift can only be stolen once per turn. The game is over when everyone has a present.

We are using these basic rules and adding the condition that everyone who enters the play brings a wrapped up craft beer with a value of approximately 10 Euros. We don't restrict the upper end of the price range, we suggest it not being more than 20 Euros, to avoid disappointment of maybe having brought a really expensive beer and not getting a nice one in return, but then again, a really rare beer will just add a lot more entertainment because everyone will probably try to steal it.
For those who come empty handed and still want to enter the game, don't worry, Protokoll has got you covered as we have a few beers in the suggested price range available for purchase and of course we will supply proper wrapping paper and decoraton material for you.

For further information check out:

We are looking forward to have a fun night with all of you accompanied by some tasty brews of our friends from Buxton.
Stay tuned for a detailed tap list coming up soon.

Happy Festivus
